Monday, March 30, 2009

Show me your magazines..

..and it does´nt neccesarilly tell a lot about who you are! Or...?What at least is to be concluded from this quite wide-ranging magazine shopping I did today is that the ideologies, the relation to capitalism and the amount of pics in these two magazines - to put it mildly - are contrary.
Social Kritik is a intellectual magazine aimed to bring social analysis and debate, in this edition especially dealing with Blekingegadebanden, who my old man shows quite an interest in these days. After reading Peter Øvig Knudsens book and seeing the film about these men and some of their deeds, he is to have this magazine for his birthday, since I cant help but challenge him to study the story from more than one perspective. Social Kritik is launching the first (60 pages) article written by some of the gangmembers themselves.
Can´t wait to see the facial expressions of my family, when my father will be unwrapping this in their opinion red magazine! He he.

Cover is for a moment of monday sofa luxury. Following a weekend with less weekend than work and after the morning´s succesfully delivered teaching on Attachment Theory with M, this is well deserved and one should never hesitate to give away a prize for diligence now and then, if others tend to forget.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Coping VII

Lamb, host of coriander and garlic accompagnied by encouraging chat with my new friend and almost-neighbour is the copingstrategy of today since liters of Love didn´t caused anything but an increased urination!

Love infusion

Years of expensive trainings have tought me that there´s no such thing as love for sale...
And then - right in front of me it was for the price of 34,50 dkr. Ecological and if to be judged by appearances quite a bargain at that price.
So here I am. Love - Organic herbal blend to warm the heart is in my favourite Saturday-tea-cup. Now, that´s a PR strategy - clever me, who should be too smart to fall into that pink narrative of love in a bag of herbs... 1-0 Pukka!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Link til lykken

A og V kom til hvidløgsindhyllet lam og jordbærmousse i dag, hvor der var rødvin og koncert på programmet. Her følger aftenens leftovers af ordstykker, der hænger på tungen, efter endnu en underfundig og fin aften i selskab med Mads Mouritz

Jeg tar´altid det glas der er mest i ingen pis
jeg siger kom lad os æde hinanden
Jeg sendte dig et link til selve lykken

Jeg prøver at sige noget men min mund er en ørken

Det er så let at forveksle en ugle med en svalehale
forgiftningssymptomer med savnet af dig

...en fugleinfluenza med kærlighed til dig

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday themes

Shreek monsters
Upcoming surrealists
Parrot gangsters

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I thought I was to die as Linda, the legendary trainer at Friskis & Svettis, was back after a too long break. Not that she wasn´t missed - the opposite is the case, but apparently this break did not only cause bodylimbs a bit out of shape. Also my breath were beats behind as I nonetheless followed this wonderful energetic sweedish trainer in an extreme upbeat dancelike jympa.
All sweathy, half dead and happy life appears quite good to me tonight.

Spring & still things to learn

How I love these days. A little laundry to do, a little coffee to zip and a bunch of interviews to figure out kinda sense in...
I took granmums plaid, a cup of Sidamo and opened the summer season 09 in the backyeard. It´s officially spring!
And off the record - I´m not yet a fullblown children-researcher.
These 5 girls M and I interviewed Monday for a developmental psychology paper... I guess their answers teach me, that we´ve got a thing or two to learn before we have our research scholarship! Or reliable data.. which are our humble goal.
Children are puzzling.Speaking of children - I am counting down till Saturday´s kiss and hugs with my kids.
And that´s a language I am familiar with.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Copenhagen appetizers

I love this city. I know I can´t provide valid and objective data about CPH. But who cares, passion and advertising is neither objective nor rational. So I decided to collect a sample of Copenhagen appetizers today derived from the question

What could tempt someone to come to CPH?

Vigorous women of Nørrebro...

High sky...
Famous danes...

- though dead and gone...
The splendid wild nature!?

The need for TF sunglasses on a bench.....
A guided tour through the line of fire in the
ongoing gangster war in my neighbourhood..
Or is it as simple as the kliche states
- the way is trough the stomach...


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Headsettet kvinder ville elske

Surrealisterne var tidligt ude med deres version af headset...
Wilhelm Freddie blev arresteret for denne pornografiske buste, Sexparalysappeal som var konfiskeret helt indtil 1963!
Tak til Freddie og Astri for sanseligt selskab. Statens Museum for Kunst kan anbefales som søndagssyssel.


“Meditation over den antinazistiske kærlighed” - 1936

Wilhelm Freddie inviterer til at stikke gaflen i øjet på Statens Museum for Kunst. Jeg ser frem til en surrealistisk søndag i godt selskab og uden forklæde. Søndage, der ikke begynder kl 05, er undervurderede.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Go. Bedst.

Norsk er godt - to norske er endnu bedre.
En kombi med risotto af Karl Johanner og skøn Shiraz/Carbernet/Merlot er bedst.
Allerbedst er det at hænge på Go Food så længe, at der bliver plads til Andys banan toffee pie.
(hvis man smiler lidt, er det også muligt at få rom på bordet)
Det er det bedste.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kenya og Overspring - nu på dansk

Cyklen drejede autonomt af op Jægersborggade på vej mod universitetet, så jeg i stedet for 3 timers socialpsykologi fik en formiddag i vindueskarmen i The Coffee Collective, delvis skabende mig et overblik over menneskers interaktioner i følge klassiske socialteorier og delvis - og mest engageret - nydende en vulgær croissant og en americano brygget på Ndaroini Kenya.
So far var dagen allerede langt hævet over gårsdagens niveau. Men pludselig nåede den uventede højder, da ristemester Peter inviterede mig med til cuppingen af de nyligt hjembragte bønner fra Kenya.
Godt M ikke var der, hun var kolapset i latter. Jeg nøjedes med at være ved at få kaffen i den gale hals i forsøget på at efterligne de proffe i deres inhaleringsteknik til den perfekte smagning. Teknikken mangler lige en smule i at sidde i skabet, men det forhindrede ikke jubeltrækninger i smagsløgene. Wow – jeg har altid været en sucker for kenyansk kaffe, og siden jeg fandt kollektivet, er den side endelig blevet nurset og forkælet langt udover, hvad jeg har drømt om.
Èn af de skønne ting ved kollektivet er nemlig deres hang til at lysriste og det, at ristemesteren lykkeligvis også lider af forkærlighed for kenyansk.
Sikke et privilegium at blive inviteret med på en smager af noget så himmelskt som en cupping af bønner, Peter lige har bragt hjem fra flere vådmøller i Kenya.
Nu sidder jeg nærmest lykkelig med en på én gang rund og syrlig smag på tungen og med en ulmende nysgerrighed efter, hvilken af kandidaterne der i fremtiden kommer under The Coffee Collectives kærlige behandling og dernæst i min kop.
Jeg elsker nørder! I sær dem, der altid har en duft af kaffe om sig, og som gerne deler passionen.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Logic of crisis..?

The Gourmet Temple Nimb in Tivoli is sold for 1,- dkr. That is 1/48 of the cost of having a Nimb´s Gourmet Hotdog served with 25 cl. chocolate milk at Nimb´s Grillbar...
It´s ironic - I can´t afford a dinner at Herman´s Restaurant - but I could have bought the whole company!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


This weekend was a celebrating one. It began with my 3 decade aniversary Friday morning with coffee, friends, family and mum´s kikskage all over in my little hut. Later the evening turned into night with spakling wine and ladies, the best sushi ever (Sushi Do is highly recommendable) and Anders, the boxer who showed up as bartender. Though injured in the ring, he mixed white russians and mojitos in a manner that blew all my ambivalence to drinks away.
Saturday I went to my Grandmum in Jutland. Since she couldn´t come to have kikskage at my place, I came to her with it and had a cozy celebration and sleep over. She too gets older - 91 - I wish to standby the tick-tock clock in her living room, so I should not worry, if this see you is the last. That´s life. And I am grateful she is in it with me still.

My autie Doris turned 70 Sunday, which we celebrated in Holsted, and it was a great day, talking to cousins, laughing as asked "er du (j)ene?" (are you single, with a special dialect, indicating I am lacking another half) and told how big I had turned! Ain´t is amazing still to hear this as 30 year old?
Me and my cousin found a comforting thing to remember, if we ever find ourselves crying because of this life, where nothing stays the same. While everything is changing - Holsted Central hotel stays the same! It was a sweet reunion with the brown tilefloor at the ladies room, where we during so many family celebrations as girls made time pass. At the menu a new thing has been sneaking in - the brand new invention: Whiskey sauce!
30 - but still the little sister. My sister tied a blue balloon to my bag. How I wished my niece and nephew had been there with me. Instead they had been bussy making drawings and handcraft, and I found myself proudly showing all my guest these master pieces...! It´s love!
This is a heartbreaker too. And fortunately he didn´t miss my birthday. Jens is 2 months and the only man invited for the girls night (besides the drinks master), which everybody enjoyed. Absolutely adorable. Like my girlfriends.
30 works for me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
