Monday, January 12, 2009


"Color, tone, taste, smell are products of our mind. The sensoric informations are worked up in the brain providing the experience. Sense impressions do not exist exept from in our brain."

Some could respond by either polarizing into the fanatics or to the pessimist ”everything is nonsense”-side.
I guess I repressent an ”Enjoying awareness”- perspective. Similar to everything else it isn´t devalued because of the nature of being more og less constructs of our mind.
A crispy Elstar apple is nomatter what a taste of divinity, what so ever the pathways leading to this perception of Eden are.Bach and the voice of a loved one are nothing but blasts in the air making my ossciles move the oval window and activating tiny tiny hair cells.
I know.
And isn´t it amazing!?
Yes it is, miraculous how chemical molecules, air waves and electrical signals can provide me with such vital bombardements.
No, there´s absolutely nothing miraculous in being commissioned to keep theoretical track on this mess of pathways, receptors and cortical areas. I´m sorry to say.
It doesn´t make sense!

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