Friday, December 12, 2008

From my week on the clinic

For a week I am a Clinical Psychologist supposed to figure out how to asses and treat this Iranian refugee woman, who has no interest in her child and feel nothing but numbness and often sees suicide as the best solution. I am told to figure a better alternative, while I am also concerned about Johnny - a child with heavy conduct problems, having a criminal father and a stay at a foster care home in his short history..
There is enough to do here in my lair, which for this week of examination has turned into a clinic, where there is fresh warm buns and a new delivery of my favourite Gatundu coffee (thanks to Tim!).
I could get used to this job - but if that is to happen, I better get startet, so my clients neither take their lifes or smashes up a school as I am bussy blogging or baking.

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