Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fever/new empathic US course?

After two days and nights sleep it appears to me, contrary to what I thought the other inside-out-night - I will survive.
I´ve never had any illusions about my pain tolerance - being sick is shit - but being sick the give everything you have and more-way alone the whole night on a bathroom floor - is deep shit.
Fortunately and quite unexpected I´ve got some empathic vib´s from my neighbour Mr. Cain - the ambassador of our allies did show me the respect to lower Stars and Stripes in this critical situation - that´s what friends are for. Unfortunately the supply service didn´t make it the 100 meters to my bedside, but I´m sure they tried....Or is the whole flag-thing just because of the heavy storm or the preparations of Obama´s Tuesday?
I might still be feverish, but I do hope for better days for both me and the world, at the latest on Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Jamen du godeste, har du været syg, Dot? Jeg bruger ikke mit engelske så ofte, og det kunne nok trænge til en finpudsning. Men så vidt jeg forstår, har Monsieur smittet dig - eller omvendt ...

Dot said...

Ingen Monsieur, men masser af syg.
Finpudsning - eller afstøvning, leg - what ever, det er pointen med mit valgte blogsprog, men kommentarfeltet er til fri leg uanset sprog.

Anonymous said...

Pyha, rigtig god bedring! Jeg ved, hvor slemt det er - jeg har nemlig været sygeplejerske og vågekone i et par døgn. Jeg håber, du har haft nogen hos dig ...

Dot said...

Nop, tak;-)
