My health still sucks. By a shower and poudre soleil I defyed it and went out for the first time in what feels like forever. Nomatter what - I had to be there when M came out from the oral examination, hopefully surviving the Cognitive Psychology-monster.
But she didn´t survive – she conquered!
What kind of friend refuse to celebrate because of exam and health?
We went to
Aamans to have a delicious lunch – if you haven´t been there yet, go! But if the last week´s menu has been oat porridge, apples and water – then hold your horses a day or two.

We didn´t, I dared to have rabbit brawn and duck liver – yummi, but quite a sudden return to real food, which I pay for now. Unfortunately with an overwhelming mass of still unknown curriculum, headache and only two days to go.
No ambitions of a similar conquest, but a strong hope for passing.
I´m grabbing todays refrain
Yes we can Yes we will...
Yes we can Yes we will... og se nu at blive rask, Dot! Tak for tippet om restaurant Aamans, den har jeg ikke hørt om tidligere. Det er skønt at få et madsted anbefalet.
Og tillykke med veninden, der conquered!
Tak Madame, jeg prøver at trylle.
"Nice to go" her på siden er én lang anbefalingsliste..
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